CSCI321 - Project Diary

Wednesday, August 16

more features!

had a meeting with daniel today.

went over the deficiencies of our current non-existent user/tech manual at first. Then we got into talking about possible 'markets' for our project, and a way to perhaps maximize the audience.

daniel asked for the following features to be implemented as part of the portal:

- Generic Database connection/interaction

This will be responsible for allowing our portal to utilize other databases, to prevent us from being locked in an MS-centric environment. Databases to implemented:
* MS SQL [what we run everything on now]
* Oracle [Andrew's favourite, so we shouldn't have any problems with this one]

I do not forsee too many major problems in implementing the cross db support, as our schema is very simple in nature and should flow quite well across the different databases.

One design aspect that will be changed though - some of the actual logic will have to be taken outside the data tier and put either into the presentation [portal/webserver] or taken out into a separate logic entity/processing entity.

- LDAP/Radius Authentication

Provide the ability to map users against enterprise credential systems such as Active Directory. This one should be interesting - as at the moment, as far as I know, none of the group members have had any experience in developing LDAP encompassing software. Andrew is designing the Membership Provider at the moment, so I'll have a talk to him regarding seeing what we can do with that, or perhaps we'll need to write something more scaleable/generic.

- Unix Hosting of ASP - aka mod-mono

Daniel wants to see if we'd be able to put this up on a Unix server for hosting, thus eliminating the reliance on MS products once more. I shall have to do more research this weekend to find out the feasibility of such a proposal, given the toolkits that we 'might' be utilizing to accomodate the LDAP-driven authentication.


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