CSCI321 - Project Diary

Thursday, July 27

midlet design

i have completed the first instalment of the midlet, not very pretty - but works.

i have the following working now:

- device discovery [used to find possible GPS devices around {this is done by looking for devices that support a serial connection}]
- reading all NMEA sentences from the GPS unit. was quite nice to see them all for the first time.
- parse to get the GPRMC sentence out, as this is the same sentence used by WebTrac-4, and in order to keep things consistent - thought we'd use the same one.

main part for this week after all the other assessments was to utilize GPRS to send the data back to the server.

whilst we have no database that i can put the data in. i built a small listener/parser on the server, to which the data is to be submitted via HTTP.GET
this then gets stored into a flat file [for now]

so - GPRS connection is now being made by the applet and GPS sentences successfully sent to the server for storage.

unfortunately each time i tested the code - i incurred a $1 fee, as part of vodafones wonderful pricing structure.

so i had to make sure that the code worked prior to running it. adds a little edge to debugging - as everytime you run your program - you're a dollar short :)

this weekend, the plan is to sign up to vodafones data bundle - which is to cost 29.95AUD per month, and it will include 100MB of data.

by my calculations - this should allow us to send:
104857600 characters via gprs in a month.

if we send 80 every second, this equates to:
37.9 days ----> which is GREAT

[hope my maths was right]


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