CSCI321 - Project Diary

Friday, August 11

Site layout + WebTrac + Database

Over the week I have compiled the look of the website. I am designing the layout with 'div' tags in order to then apply CSS pages atop.

There will be a slightly different view for a logged in user, than that of an anonymous one.

Am still aggregating data with the mixture of my phone + gps unit, as the WebTrac unit has yet to be ordered, yet alone delivered; which kind of defies the idea of an 'all-in-one' solution.

Anyway - the data is still being appended to a single table of values, since the database is another week late. Andrew proposed a new date for completion of Wed: 16th August.

Hopefully the following are in place in order to conduct further development of the portal:

- membership provider for users
- data from the single table, split up over others to accomodate the schema then in place
- functions for:
+ checking validity of uuid/imei, if not valid - create table
+ appending data (uuid/imei, rmcString, addedDate)
+ reading points ([arguments defined by Shawn - as he'll be using this one mostly])

I have supplied Andrew with several books on Sql Server, ASP.NET membership providers as well as C# - hopefully they'll be of value.


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