CSCI321 - Project Diary

Thursday, September 14

(sprocs + PHP) + triggers + (css)

started off the day with more work on css of the website. although i see its power, i dont know that i enjoy its unpredictability.

i got out some of the things i wanted, and they work perfectly under FF - and aren't visible under IE - the layout is the same, and after accomodating for some bugs - the look is very consistent. Although transparency and a few other little quirks don't show up properly under IE.

then i set out and made two examples of mssql usage for shawn - one showing multi argumented stored procedure usage, and another simple query dumps.

i couldn't get it to output xml which is directly being rendered within sql server, will have to talk to shawn about that one tomorrow.

i then did some research into triggers under mssql - i have coded one to detect speeding. i also have a function which sends out email upon request, although have been having assemblies problem within CLR and sending mail directly from SQL server. So that's one thing I have to work out. Once that is done - there's a working reminder of a devices [over]speed.

since this will be a per-device settings - i'll have to work out a way to do the 'check' of profiles more efficiently - as it is an absolute overkill to check every device whenever a point is inserted.

perhaps a simple indexed view (regenerated upon a deviceProfile update) which can be any matching devices who wish to be 'watched' whenever they're speeding - then marry this up with contact details - and send the email away. actually sounds like a good idea - and what i'll probably end up doing.

maybe just for feature sake - add a default speed limit to each device at 110 - and have the user vary it from there.


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